If you are experiencing a streaming issue with Glo on Roku, Amazon Firestick, or Apple TV here are a few troubleshooting steps you can take:
- Clear your cache and cookies on the app (does not apply to Apple TV)
- Ensure your device is updated to the most current software version
- Restart your device
- Delete and reinstall the Glo app or check for available updates for the app
If you are experiencing streaming issues on one of our TV apps, please take a speed test on the same internet connection and send us a screenshot of your results.
If you get any kind of service error, check for available updates on the Glo app. This issue can resolve itself within a day or two but can depend!
If you continue to experience errors on your Glo app on Roku or Amazon Firestick, please reach out to our support team and let us know you have completed the above troubleshooting steps so we can further assist you including the results of your speed test and/or the error message you are receiving.