Library is your own personal storehouse of your saved classes, favorite classes, class history, programs, collection, and teachers you follow.
If you would like to add a class to your library press the three dots atop the class (...). You will be presented with a drop-down menu with the following options:
- Save to your Library: Save any class to your library that you enjoy or would like to take later. (Classes tab in Library)
- Add to Favorite: Favorite any class you really like and we'll also store these in Library. (Favorites tab in Library)
- Add to New Collection: Start a collection beginning with that class! And start building it out! (Collections tab in Library)
- Add to Existing Collection: Already have a collection going? Perfect! Add it to that one! (Collections tab in Library)
Want to start a collection, check out the What are collections? article on Support Center.
To access any content you have put in your Library via the above options, click on Library and you will be presented with various sub-pages that categorize the content you put in your library. We also provide you filtering options for each tab for further ease in organizing and finding your classes.
Programs can be added to your library by simply pressing the I’m ready to go button on any program home page and you can then find it in your library under the Programs tab.
Want to follow a teacher? From any class page, click on the teacher name which will be bolded and underlined. From here, you will be taken to their profile page and you will see the option to Follow.
Did you take notes for a class? Would you like to find the classes you left notes for? We have you covered! Click More filters. Scroll to the bottom and here you will see the Note filter.
For further guidance in building out your library and practice, please reach out to the Glo Customer Experience team. We're here for you: (or send us an email to