If you have tried updating your payment on the website, yet the payment is not going through, it is possible your bank has declined the charge. If that is the case, please reach out to your bank and ensure all future charges from Glo are accepted. If you still have trouble updating your payment on the website after you have contacted your bank, please reach out to our support team at support@glo.com. Let our team know you reached out to your bank and you are still having trouble updating your payment. Please note, PayPal is not an excepted form of payment.
If you are subscribed through Glo.com, you can make changes to the credit card on file in your account setting under the Payment tab. There, you’ll find a link that says, “Click here to update your credit card information,” next to “Update Payment Method.” Please note that you must be on a web browser to adjust your payment method. Member subscribed through Glo.com cannot change their payment information through the mobile app.
If you are subscribed through Apple, check out this helpful support article that will guide you through updating your payment.
If you are subscribed through Google/Android, check out the support article called "Change the payment method for a subscription," all the way at the bottom of the web page.
If you are subscribed through Amazon, check out this helpful support article that will guide you through updating your payment.
If you are subscribed with Roku, check out this helpful support article that will guide you through updating your payment.